Technology today, Organization of a Computer System, Choosing the right device for you, Ethics in ICT, Artificial Intelligence, Academic Presentations, Academic Writing, Programming Languages
Computer Applications Laboratory: Cloud services, Document management, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations (Slides)
Recommended Readings: Relevant materials from the Web
- Teacher: Ragunathan Chaumika
- Teacher: Kansaji Kotuwage
- Teacher: Isuru Madugalla
- Teacher: Chameli Menike
- Teacher: Ruwan Nawarathna
- Teacher: Amalka Pinidiyaarachchi
- Teacher: Vindya Prabhawi
- Teacher: Dilusha Senarathna
- Teacher: Ruwanthini Siyambalapitiya
- Teacher: Hakim Usoof
- Teacher: Pramuka Weerasinghe
Academic Year: 2022/2023
Semester: Semester I
Basic Concepts in Computer Science: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Algorithms, Programming, Data Structures, Resource Management, Security, Software Engineering, Web Development, Application areas. Data Representation and Basic Computer Architecture: Data representation methods, Number systems, Combinational logic and digital systems. Introduction to Algorithms: The concept and properties of algorithms, program decomposition, simple algorithms. Fundamentals of Programming: Basic syntax and semantics of a higher-level language, Managing data (variables and primitive data types), Expressions and assignments, Declarations, Basic input and output, Built-in, user-defined and recursive functions, Error handling and File handling
- Teacher: Isuru Madugalla
- Teacher: Hakim Usoof
Semester : Semester II
- Teacher: Nishath Ahmed
- Teacher: Sumedha Kulasekara
- Teacher: Ruwan Nawarathna
- Teacher: Ruwanthini Siyambalapitiya
- Teacher: Sakuni Weerasinghe
Semester: Semester I
Programming assignments will be given covering the following concepts.
Language constructs: data types, data declarations, flow-control, input/output, files, subprograms/functions, basic data structures, and integrated development environments.
Design and implementation of simple programs: top-down and bottom-up design, decomposition, structuring, design for reuse, documentation.
- Teacher: Chameli Menike
- Teacher: Dilusha Senarathna
- Teacher: Hakim Usoof
Semester : Semester II
- Teacher: Nishath Ahmed
- Teacher: Kansaji Kotuwage
- Teacher: Isuru Madugalla
- Teacher: Ruwanthini Siyambalapitiya
- Teacher: Sakuni Weerasinghe